Whelp, here we go again

  • @nicerdicer@feddit.de
    61 year ago

    Someone in the Fediverse (I don’t know where and who) posted that you have to add the following filters into U-Block Origin. When done you shouldn’t see any anti-adblock-warnings :


    I might add that I haven’t experienced any anti-adblock-warnings yet, but I added these filters in advance. I might be worth a shot!

      • @JCPhoenix@beehaw.org
        21 year ago

        Especially with video. Reddit was easy-ish to leave – I haven’t left entirely – since it’s just a link aggregator and glorified forums. That’s nothing new to the Internet. And Twitter was easy to replace with Mastodon.

        But hosting video? That’s a tough one to replicate. I know there are some other platforms out there, but I can’t imagine any could really take on YouTube, due to space and bandwidth considerations.

        So yeah, I think YouTube has us all by the balls. And they know it.

    • @stallmer@lemmy.one
      11 year ago

      Interest rates hikes stopped the free money, so companies need profit.

      I’d argue they don’t need $500 million when they already make $400 million, but I’m just a lowly peasant.

      tl;dr: capitalism

  • @ConsciousCode@beehaw.org
    51 year ago

    Recently found this gem: https://adnauseam.io/

    It’s an ad blocker that only hides ads and clicks them for you in the background, which means you waste advertiser’s money, support creators, can’t get flagged for ad blocking as easily, and they can’t build a proper profile against your ad activity since it’s all noise. Haven’t installed it yet, but this might be the push I needed.

    • @Contend6248@feddit.de
      11 year ago

      This might be an acceptable sollution, but what happens on the other side of the ad? If something maliciously is being spreaded, the click might have to happen in an isolated form from the rest of the system or the browser.

  • @Buttons@programming.dev
    51 year ago

    And what are the consequences of “strikes”? Will you delete my Google account, including my email, and also screw up my Android phone and my kids Chromebook?

    It’s scary to realize that Google has me by the balls here. They can screw me in so many ways, and screw my family members as well. I’d rather have my bank credentials stolen than my email credentials, at least I can get real customer service from the bank, I can even go to a physical location and speak face-to-face with someone who can help me. Google wont give me customer support, and my email account is the closest thing to an identity I have for most businesses I interact with.

    It takes a lot of work to avoid Google. Yes, there are alternatives, but in D&D terms, avoiding Google is like a -2 to all stats for your entire life, and not something we can expect the general population to do.

    All this shows the need for anti-trust enforcement. The same company is controlling too much. Bust 'em up!

    • @wim@lemmy.sdf.org
      01 year ago

      Moral of the story: create separate account for YouTube that has no high value services or data on it.

      • Chahk
        11 year ago

        I’ve seen enough horror stories to know that’s not going to help. They can, and do, associate multiple accounts to same users. Be it by cookies, IP addresses, or dark magic, the end result is the same - they can upend your entire digital life if they want to. r/degoogle better hurry up and migrate to Lemmy.

      • @rho50@lemmy.nz
        01 year ago

        I’d argue the bigger moral is that you should always own your online identity. You should buy your own domain (@yourname.xyz or something like that) and make your email on that. So if Google bans you, you just switch email providers and keep your address.

        • @wim@lemmy.sdf.org
          11 year ago

          I’ve been using @fixnum.org and since a few years the alias @wim.land to do exactly this, but that’s just email.

          My app purchases, photo storage, and YouTube account are all entangled in this. I could decouple from Google, but it would be very painful.

  • @daveyeah@beehaw.org
    41 year ago

    Mmmm, gotta love that enshittification strategy every big tech company is working on right now.

  • ram
    41 year ago

    I’ll stop blocked ads when I stop using their service. Not a minute sooner.

  • @that_one_guy@beehaw.org
    31 year ago

    Did all these tech companies just get together and decide to fuck us over around the same time? Seriously, what is going on with all these companies rolling out hugely unpopular new rules/changes all on one another’s heels?

    • @Mars@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      The end of 0% interest means “business” no longer have access to free money. So now they want benefits, and growth but without the spending.

      Also we skipped a tech bubble crash around 2008, so these corpos deaths are more than overdue.

      The cicle as Doctorow says in his enshification tesis is:

      1.- be good to your users, spending tons of that VC and 0% interest loan free money.

      2.- be shit to your users, be good to your clients (add buyers, business that use your platform to do business)

      3.- be shit to everyone. Squeeze the platform and get every last dime of value as profit.

      Once you are in 3 there is no coming back. But these corporations have pulling the ladder behind them using an extra decade of dominant position to try to stop the cicle.

  • @TrainsAreCool@lemmy.one
    31 year ago

    Personally, I’d rather pay for Nebula than YouTube premium. Most of the creators I actively follow are on there anyways, and the few that aren’t (usually the ones with very long videos) I should probably just watch with ads anyways to support them.

    • @ErgodicTangle@feddit.de
      11 year ago

      I had a similar thought. How fair is nebula to their creators? I heard it was somehow creator owned, but other than that I have no idea how it works.

  • jecxjo
    31 year ago

    Honestly if I got ads for things that are actually relevant I’d have less of an issue. Right now 7 out of 10 ads are for a local event where Christians come to grift other Christians. Wtf am I getting that ad constantly?

  • @NightOwl@lemmy.one
    21 year ago

    So there are YouTube front ends for browser experience, but has anyone tried freetube from this guide?


    I’ve really liked the newpipe x Sponsorblock experience on my Android phone with having a subscription list, saves, playlists all locally with no YouTube account and ability to export and import the data of Playlists etc.

    Freetube sounds like newpipe for desktop and has sponsorblock as an option too. Anyone use it or used it and have an thoughts on it?

    • @count_duckula@discuss.tchncs.de
      21 year ago

      I exclusively use Freetube for my Youtube needs. It is great when it works. Sometimes you have to find the right Invidious instance for it to work properly. A few times videos play at 720p. I have also noticed search failing for specific terms sometimes - for example “machine learning”. I don’t know if it is a bug or blacklisted words/phrases.

      These are a few reality checks highlighting it isn’t a perfect experience all the time, but I will be damned if go back to a vanilla Youtube interface after having gotten used to Invidious and then Peertube.

      The upsides are less fluff that is recommended, you control your own feed with the videos from the channels you subscribe to, no ads, sponsorblock, and I guess more privacy.

  • @Cal@beehaw.org
    21 year ago

    Copy this into uBlock Origin. Tells youtube ads are allowed and have been displayed, but no ads will show. Removes all references to shorts. Resizes video thumbnails so there’s 6 wide.

    `youtube.com##+js(set,yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel,false) youtube.com##+js(set,Object.prototype.adBlocksFound,O) youtube.com##+js(set,ytplayer.config.aras.raw_player_response.adPlacements,[]) youtube.com##+js(set,Object.prototype.hasAllowedlnstreamAd,true)

    ! YT Homepage - Hide the Shorts section youtube.com##[is-shorts] ! YT Menu - Hide the Shorts button www.youtube.com###guide [title=“Shorts”], .ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[title=“Shorts”] ! YT Search - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com##ytd-search ytd-video-renderer [overlay-style=“SHORTS”]:upward(ytd-video-renderer) ! YT Search and Channels - Hide the Shorts sections www.youtube.com##ytd-reel-shelf-renderer ! YT Channels - Hide the Shorts tab www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype=“channels”] [role=“tab”]:nth-of-type(3):has-text(Shorts) ! YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - Grid View www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype=“subscriptions”] ytd-grid-video-renderer [overlay-style=“SHORTS”]:upward(ytd-grid-video-renderer) ! YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - List View www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype=“subscriptions”] ytd-video-renderer [overlay-style=“SHORTS”]:upward(ytd-item-section-renderer) ! YT Subscriptions - New Layout - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype=“subscriptions”] ytd-rich-item-renderer [overlay-style=“SHORTS”]:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer) ! YT Sidebar - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com###related ytd-compact-video-renderer [overlay-style=“SHORTS”]:upward(ytd-compact-video-renderer)

    ! YT Mobile - Hide the Shorts Menu button m.youtube.com##.pivot-shorts:upward(ytm-pivot-bar-item-renderer) ! YT Mobile - Hide Shorts sections m.youtube.com##ytm-reel-shelf-renderer ! YT Mobile - Hide Shorts in search results m.youtube.com##ytm-search ytm-video-with-context-renderer [data-style=“SHORTS”]

    !(Font Size fix) youtube.com###video-title.ytd-rich-grid-media, #video-title.ytd-rich-grid-slim-media:style(font-size: 1.4rem !important; line-height: 2rem !important;) youtube.com###metadata-line.ytd-video-meta-block:style(font-size: 0.9rem !important; line-height: 1.8rem !important;)

    ! YouTube Fix & Customization v1.7! (1-2/12) YouTube 4 Videos Per Row Fix (Home and Channel Pages) youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-renderer:style(width: 80% !important; padding-left: 50px !important; padding-right: 1px !important;) youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-row, #contents.ytd-rich-grid-row:style(display:contents !important;) youtube.com##ytd-rich-grid-renderer:style(–ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 6 !important;)`

  • @Salad@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    21 year ago

    Copying my comment over from fmhy instance -

    If you don’t mind paying ~2$ a month, you can get Family Premium using a VPN (I used India)

    Current working method from HUKD: (Private/Incognito browser is best)

    Create a new Google Account. Enter card details. Enter a fake billing address, any random address generator will do, as long as it’s from the correct region. Then select Try it Free. Navigate to YouTube, press YouTube Premium, and double-check that everything is in the right currency. Enter the same credit card and address information you used for creating the new Google Account. Click Buy 👍

    You can then add your main Google account as a family member.👍

    HUKD link

    • @Digitoll@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      1 year ago

      I believe any accounts joining the family need to first have a Google Payments profile in the country the owner of the plan is in before you can join. Or is that not the case anymore?

  • @Glide@lemmy.ca
    21 year ago

    Ad blocker detection is not new, and other publishers regularly ask viewers to disable ad blockers

    “everyone else is treating their customers like garbage, so they don’y hold it against us”.

    Yes, we can.

    I didn’t block when you had 5 second ads. I didn’t block when you had 15 second ads. I started blocking when you’d play 2+ unskippable 15 second ads back-to-back. I didn’t mind sitting through an ad when I appreciate the service you offered. Now, you’re just being greedy, and I will go to great lengths to damage your bottom line as notably as I can.